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Words that touch

Words that touch

If you love the silent space of pure touch that shiatsu allows you, and at the same time are fascinated by the things your clients’ words and gestures might be telling you about their Ki, this course is for you.
• Discover the mind-body connections hidden in your clients’ metaphors and movements.
• Keep the client’s space as free as possible from your own pre- suppositions, preferences, and judgements.
• Help clients work mindfully with anything that is blocking their ability to fully benefit from shiatsu.
Discover how a few simple questions can help your clients focus powerfully and precisely on the key words and images they use as they talk to you. Instead of theorizing or analysing bodily experience, the Zen- like clarity of Clean Language encourages in-the-moment exploration of that experience, helping clients to develop their own awareness of Ki and through that, to deal more effectively with symptoms and the issues that may be causing them.

Clean Language allows you to explore through metaphor and movement how mind and body communicate and how close attention to language and gesture can heighten awareness of Ki for both you and your clients. When you integrate Clean questions into your shiatsu, it helps clients to:
• Feel more like participants rather than just ‘receivers’,
• Be able to make insightful connections between their symptoms and
the life issues that may be creating them,
• Develop a more friendly, mindful relationship with their own body.
Nick Pole has over 25 years experience in Shiatsu and has also studied Seiki, NLP, Clean Language and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy. He is a teacher with the Shiatsu College UK and director of London Mindful Practitioners, a non-profit group for professionals who use mindfulness in their work. His book ‘Words That Touch - How to Ask Questions Your Body Can Answer’ (Singing Dragon, 2017) is a comprehensive guide to using Clean Language in bodywork therapies. See:
‘Clean Language has brought out far more expression and information from my clients than I ever thought possible. I’ve been quite amazed by some of my clients, who I’ve been working on for sometimes 20 years, who’ve told me things in the last year that they’ve never expressed before.’
- Cliff Andrews, International shiatsu teacher and co-founder of the Shiatsu College UK

For more info, check out these videos: 

The Easiest Clean Language Question:

Clean Language and Mindfulness:

Clean Language in End-of-Life Care:

Event Properties

Event Date 21-11-2020 09:30
Event End Date 22-11-2020 17:00
Individual Price €250.00

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

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